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Help for Neck Pain

man working in city with neck painOne of the leading causes of neck pain is whiplash, often resulting from a motor vehicle accident. Whiplash occurs when the head is suddenly jerked forward or backward, leading to strain or injury in the neck’s soft tissues. Another common condition is torticollis, which causes the head to tilt to one side due to painful muscle spasms. This condition often develops from sleeping in an awkward position, resulting in a stiff neck and limited mobility.


Chiropractic care is highly effective in treating neck pain, but it requires a cautious approach. Incorrect adjustments (e.g. “crack and go” ones) can lead to increased pain or further injury. At our clinic, Dr. Cobb takes great care in addressing neck pain, often avoiding immediate adjustments during the first visit. Instead, he focuses on releasing tight connective tissues through Connective Tissue Release (CTR) therapy, which prepares the neck for any necessary adjustments.

The Impact of Neck Pain on Daily Activities

Neck pain can significantly impact your daily life, limiting your mobility and making even simple tasks challenging. Turning your neck, driving, and performing physically demanding jobs become difficult and potentially dangerous. A stiff and painful neck can delay your reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents on the road or at work.
To manage neck pain effectively, it is crucial to seek chiropractic care as soon as possible. Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation while limiting physical activities, and taking time off work may be necessary to prevent further damage. Ignoring acute neck pain can lead to more severe issues, so prompt attention is vital.

Effective Chiropractic Techniques for Neck Pain

The neck is the most vulnerable part of the spine, supporting the weight of the head while allowing significant motion. Because of this, it is more prone to injury and disorders that can cause pain and restrict movement. Dr. Cobb typically begins addressing neck pain with CTR therapy, which involves no thrust or force, minimizing the risk of further injury.

CTR therapy focuses on the muscles, tendons, joints, and tissues in the neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest. This approach helps to release tightened connective tissues, relieving pain and stiffness while improving range of motion. Depending on the severity of the condition and the patient’s response, Dr. Cobb may consider adjustments once the neck is better prepared.

Preventing Neck Pain With Lifestyle Changes

You don’t have to completely overhaul your lifestyle to prevent neck pain; just making small changes can make a big difference. Proper neck posture is crucial, especially when working on a computer or performing repetitive movements. Good sleep posture is also essential in preventing neck issues.

Did you know that dietary changes can also contribute to overall neck health? Reducing sugar intake, for example, can improve bone density and reduce the risk of neck pain or injury. Additionally, ensuring that your car’s headrest is properly positioned can help protect your neck in the event of an accident.

Lastly, and this is a big one: avoid self-adjusting your neck, as this can lead to more harm than good.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re suffering from neck pain, don’t wait to seek help. Contact Cobb Rehab & Wellness to book an appointment with Dr. Cobb. He’ll perform a thorough examination, including orthopedic testing, and will provide the customized care you need to get relief so you can reclaim your life.



Help for Neck Pain Tampa, FL | (813) 914-8500